
What is Verse?

Verse is a brand new programming language created by Epic Games to power their new ‍Unreal Editor for Fortnite , or UEFN for short. Verse is a language designed to interact with Fortnite's existing ‍​Devices system. It can be used to create powerful and personalized Devices for your experience.

Why more Verse documentation?

Lots of people are asking, "How do you use Verse?". This aims to be a guide on going from Shmoe to Pro with Verse. Mastering the language and building the experiences of your dreams. While that may sound corny, having that power isn't.


Don't feel discouraged if you don't pick things up right away; it's okay to take breaks (sometimes even long breaks!). Programming is difficult, but it's a skill well worth learning. If you have any questions,

please feel free to message me at @glinesbdev in the ‍Fortnite Creative Official Discord server (#uefn-verse channel) and I'll be happy to talk with you about it .

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