
This document aims to provide useful, real world, detailed examples that people can learn from and use in their own custom experiences.

Examples here should be heavily commented and easy to follow. All examples that make it to our example catalog have been vetted for correctness, Verse best practives, useful comments, etc.

Comment Formatting Guide:

  • ### name_of_device.verse -> This is the name of the file and should be at the top of the code block.
  • \## Code Section -> This is a new section of code that is grouped logically, gameplay or other type.
  • \# -> This is a normal comment to either give context, instruction or specifics.
  • \# Insight: Some useful information here! -> This is a tip or extra bit of useful information to give to the reader.

Have an example that you'd like to share? Refer to the ‍Contributing Section of the project's README.

Find something that doesn't seem quite right or straight up doesn't work? Refer to the ‍Issues Section of the project's README.

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