Testing Multiplayer Projects

When creating games with UEFN/Verse that are multiplayer games, it's important to test those creations with multiple players. You'll want to discover any issues before publishing your island.

The steps required to test an unpublished island is currently a little awkward but not impossible:

  1. Start up UEFN.
  2. Open your project.
  3. Click Launch Session in UEFN.
  4. Wait for Fortnite to start and put you in a UEFN session.
  5. Open the Fortnite sidebar menu and choose Return to Lobby.
  6. Back in the "Play" tab the Game mode should be listed as "UEFN Session".
  7. Press Play, and you'll be sent to what looks like a "simulation" room - digital walls, windows and a few trees.
  8. Open the Fortnite sidebar menu and invite other people to your party.
  9. After joining the party other players will see "Creative" as their current Game mode.
  10. Other players should press Play to join you in the "simulation" room.
  11. Once everybody has joined and is in the "simulation" room you're ready to proceed.
  12. Back in UEFN click Launch Session again.
  13. All players should see "Edit Mode PREPARING..."
  14. After a few moments you'll be back in your island in Edit mode.
  15. Open the Fortnite sidebar menu and choose Start Game.

Important Note: All players are currently able to edit things while in Edit mode.

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